I want to cancel
We’re sorry to hear that you’re considering leaving Ocean Charge. If there’s anything we can do to address your concerns, please reach out to us via chat or submit a request so we can discuss your options and next steps.
How to cancel
If you’ve decided to cancel, please contact our support team. Keep in mind that cancellations within your contract period may be subject to a cancellation fee.
How are the cancellation fees calculated?
The cancellation fee is determined by multiplying your monthly bill by the number of months remaining on your contract. For example, if your monthly bill is £25 and you have four months left, the cancellation fee would be £100. For more details, please refer to our Terms and Conditions.
Moving home?
If you’re cancelling because you’re moving to a location where Ocean Charge is not available, we may be able to assist in reducing your cancellation fees. Please check our “Moving Home” article for more information.
Cancelling due to bereavement
If you need to close an account due to bereavement, please visit our dedicated article on this topic for guidance and support.
If you have any further questions or need assistance, please get in touch with our team via hello@oceancharge.uk. We’re here to help.